Guild Kiln Training and Firing Information

EFFECTIVE Feb 1, 2025

Electric Kiln Training information 

Who Qualifies:

1. You must be a full studio member in good standing of the BPG for at least two years.
2. You will have taken a kiln firing workshop.
3. After kiln firing workshop training, you will have buddy fired with a recognized firing leader for 6 firings.
4. You will complete a checklist EVERY TIME you fire the BPG electric kiln.

Some important notes about firing:

Once you’ve completed the workshop, you must fire with the oversight of a qualified buddy for 6 firings. By this we mean that YOU vaccuum the kiln (if necessary), you load your work, you pick your firing profile from a selection of pre-existing programs (or a slow fire to your desired cone). PLEASE DO NOT ALTER OR DELETE OR OVERWRITE ANY OF THE PRE-EXISING PROGRAMS.

Once you’ve completed the 6 firings with qualified oversight, you will have to fire on your own. Please do not ask others to fire for you. If you have concerns about your programming or loading, by all means, ask for someone’s opinion, but do not expect them to do your firing for you. Remember, if you still feel uncomfortable firing on your own, then you can always use the communal firings.

FULL KILNS: Kilns can not be fired if they are not full, as they fire much better when packed. There is always a need for kiln space, so it’s a waste time and energy if the kiln is not utilized fully. If you do not have enough for a full load, then find someone to pair up with to fill the kiln. If we find you have been firing kilns that aren’t full, you will lose your firing privileges.

Full Studio Members are restricted to firing the BPG electric kiln ONCE PER MONTH. If you have more work than that, please use the communal firings to supplement.

You will be held accountable for any damages to the kilns, pyrometers, posts or shelves.

For those of you who wish to fire collectively along with other members, download the current list of those who wish to participate in group firings. Contact members on that list to arrange a firing between you. The list includes gas, electric and raku firing.

Need a firing buddy?

  • Are you trained to fire a kiln, but don't have enough pots to fill it?

  • Are you looking for someone to team up with?

  • Sign up here and let others know you are looking to team up!!!

Need pots to help fill your kiln?

  • Are you looking for a few more pots to fill your kiln? Check out the list!

A checklist must be filled out by the person firing the kiln every time they fire. This checklists can be found in the RED Checklist binder that resides in the Kiln Room on the shelf that holds the kiln posts (just inside the kiln room on the right).
Please use the next available checklist in the binder for your firing.

Health and Safety
Kiln shelves must all be scraped after you’ve unloaded your kiln (YES, EVERY TIME),
and kiln washed as necessary. There are always tiny shards (that are sometimes hard to see) left on the shelves that can injure someone picking up the shelf. Failure to do so will revoke firing privileges.

Electric Kiln Volunteer Lead
If you have any further questions or concerns, email Andrea McVeety at

Next Kiln Firing Workshop
We are hoping to have a new workshop in March or April of 2025 and once dates have been set, an email will be sent to all guild members with the chance to sign up if elible.

booking BPG electric, gas or raku kilns for firings

Those wishing to use the kilns will need to book loading and unloading time on SignUpGenius.  Please indicate in the comments section below the kiln shift which kiln you are using, whether you are firing BPG electric, gas or raku. It would be helpful to other members if they knew what you were firing, bisque or glaze so they can contact you to see if space is available to share.

If you want to use one of the AGB kilns, please contact Michelle or Heather (AGB techs) to book.

Click on this link to access Signup Genius. This is where you can book the Electric and GAS kilns as well as sign up for space in the upcoming Guild Community Firings


The videos below will help guide you.

If you wish to receive training on any of the kilns, please contact the following to be added to the training list:

GAS: Susan Card
ELECTRIC: Andrea McVeety or Monika Schaefer
RAKU: Mary Goh