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The Guild runs on its volunteers. There are many jobs that can and need to be done to enjoy a successful pottery studio, from cleaning kiln shelves, to inputting data, to serving on the executive.

As part of your Full Studio Membership, members are required to volunteer 24 hours per year, minimum and serve on a committee. If you are an Associate Member, you are welcome to volunteer as well, but it is not mandatory. However, anyone participating in either of the 2 annual sales must work 2 shifts minimum during the sale, whether you are an Associate Member or Full Studio Member.

Here is a summary of the types of Volunteering you can do:

The volunteer lead is Catherine Thomson. If, after you’ve read the summary above, you have still have questions about what you might volunteer for, please contact Catherine for suggestions and guidance.

Once you have volunteered, please log your hours here. Those who do not volunteer may forfeit their membership in the guild.